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Mosquito Prevention


Mosquito Season is in Full Swing…Fight the Bite!

View  July flier

They’re ba-a-ack! As the temperature outside begins to rise, so does the mosquito risk of West Nile Virus (WNV) and St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE). Harris County is home to 56 species of mosquitoes. While most are merely pests, the Culex mosquito is the predominate species in Harris County that carries WNV and SLE.HCPHES Mosquito Control encourages you to eliminate mosquito breeding habitats from your property and take appropriate personal precautions to avoid being bitten
by disease-carrying mosquitoes.  

Mosquito-Proof Your Property

Don’t feed the storm drains. Sweep up lawn clippings, leaves and tree limbs.
Remove/empty any containers that can hold water such as flowerpots and toys. Change the water in birdbaths at least once a week.
Keep rain gutters free of debris.
Make sure door and window screens are in good condition.

Prevent Mosquito Breeding in Boats (view flier)

Cover your boat or store in a covered place.
Drain any standing water and make sure the bilge pump is working.
Flip canoes, kayaks and small boats to store upside down.

Personal Protection

If possible, wear long pants and long sleeved shirts when outdoors particularly atdawn and dusk which are peak mosquito biting times.
Place mosquito netting over infant carriers when you are outdoors with infants.
When outdoors, use an insect repellent containing DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535 and apply as directed on the label.  Do not allow young children to apply repellent to themselves – have an adult do it for them.

Most people who are infected with WNV and SLE show no or only mild symptoms such as:low grade fever and headache.  More severe signs and symptoms can include: high fever, stiff neck, disorientation, encephalitis, and rarely, death.  If you think you have been infected with WNV or SLE, contact your family physician.

Household pets can be exposed to disease carrying mosquitoes, too.  Contact your veterinarian for moreinformation.

Enjoy the outdoors, but remember to protect yourself, your family and your pets from mosquito-borne disease.  Your best defense against being bitten is simply to be prepared!

For more information, visit
www.hcphes.org/mc or www.cdc.gov.

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