Since its creation in September 2000, the Kingwood Area SN
Council advocated for the following projects.
· Replacing a Harris
County Library as a joint venture between the county and the city with The City
of Houston to provide a new 30,000 square foot facility.
· The construction of a
City of Houston Community Center in the Kingwood area.
· Extending Kingwood Drive
as a four-lane roadway with median from Willow Terrace to Hidden Lakes Drive.
· Constructing access
improvements on Kingwood Drive for vehicles entering and leaving Kingwood High
· Extending North Park
Drive as a four-lane roadway with median from West Lake Houston Parkway to
Mills Branch Drive.
· Constructing numerous sidewalk projects.
· Synchronizing traffic
signals on Kingwood Drive from Mills Branch Drive to Loop 494.
· Repaired grade crossings
on major Kingwood entrances (in cooperation with Union Pacific).
· Constructed a protected
right-hand turn lane on Loop 494 at Hamblen Rd.
· Constructed numerous left
and right-hand turn lanes to improve traffic flow throughout the community,
including increased storage capacity for turning vehicles.
· Repairing Kingwood streets
as necessary with full-depth concrete.
· Overlaying asphalt for
streets in older sections of the community.
· Constructing new drainage
culverts to replace older ineffective ones.
· Projects
sponsored by the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority to improve traffic
mobility in the Kingwood Area.