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Grandbay East Main Image
Capital Improvements >$350,000

These are the most expensive projects that the City considers. They require very long-range planning and involve extensive construction.

 Requests costing more than $350,000 can be submitted through the Super Neighborhood Council or the City Council Member as Capital Improvements Projects.

 Examples of typical projects in this category include:


  • New Left / Right turn lanes or Median cut
  • Traffic Island / Curb Extension / Delineator Post
  • Neighborhood Traffic Control (blocks, signs/signal, speed cushions)
  • Proposed Round-a-bout

 Engineering and Construction

  • Sidewalks abutting Residential / Commercial property is owner responsibility
  • Pedestrian Bridge
  • Major Thoroughfares and Collector street reconstruction / construction
  • Water Line, Storm Sewer, or Sanitary Sewer Line Construction / Reconstruction

 Public Utilities

  • Water Line or Sanitary Sewer Line Construction / Reconstruction
  • City participation in new development through Developer Participation Agreement (DPC)

 Planning and Development

  • Bikeway Lanes / Routes
    • proposals and extensions on existing routes
  • Bikeway Trails / Shared Use Paths
    • proposals and extensions on existing trails / shared use paths

 Right of Way (ROW) Maintenance

  • Full Street Repair, where overlay is not justified
  • Extensive Concrete Repair where a reconstruction is needed

 Note: Owners are responsible for curb repair along residential/commercial property


This site is provided by Kingwood Service Association